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 Post subject: COD 5 Beta
 Post Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 2:53 am 
embarisment to america - dipshit

Joined: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:19 am
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anyone get a beta key yet? is so share it, maybe we all can get it.

I had an account on chalieoscardelta.com but then it wouldnt swap over so im not sure if im getting one and gamestop supposedly is out of preorders with keys attached

Before all else, be armed. - Niccolo Machiavelli

"The only thing that would make me feel better now is to be titty slapped around by a coked out russian whore" - Tracy Jordan (30 Rock)

Marge - "Show me the time of my life"
Homer - "Ok, lets get fast food and do it twice" (explains my marriage to a tee)

 Post subject: Re: COD 5 Beta
 Post Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 11:32 pm 
Humping a Super Model
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Sorry, but I think that peoples views on this game are pretty low, very little interest.
Especially when you see the firm that is making it and what they have made before.
If you want cod with older weapons, COD2 is already available.
And as for flame throwers? Been there done that in Battlefield Vietnams WW2 add on, they were useless in that aswell.

LINUX : If it was any good, they'd charge for it.
I want to die peacefully in my sleep just like my Grandad, not kicking and screaming like his passengers...

 Post subject: Re: COD 5 Beta
 Post Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 9:49 am 
embarisment to america - dipshit

Joined: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:19 am
Posts: 1087
Location: Washington, DC
still it should be interesting until COD6 or until I get tired of it an go back to COD4

Before all else, be armed. - Niccolo Machiavelli

"The only thing that would make me feel better now is to be titty slapped around by a coked out russian whore" - Tracy Jordan (30 Rock)

Marge - "Show me the time of my life"
Homer - "Ok, lets get fast food and do it twice" (explains my marriage to a tee)

 Post subject: Re: COD 5 Beta
 Post Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:48 pm 
I Burn Insects
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ive got a key

http://www.fileplanet.com its in top left GOGOGO


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