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Big HD LCD TV advice
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Author:  ONE [ Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Big HD LCD TV advice

So the family needs a new TV, want 40" to be honest, but will settle for 37. The budget is from £600-£700. I have done some research and i have found that 1080p TV's are not really there yet, not too bothered, but i think that 1080i is somthing i would like, though 720 is a must have. Also i need a screen that looks good without HD, i watched a screen that was playing normal BBC and the quality was rubbish, but then on a another screen that was bigger the quality was a little better, so i am a little confused as to whether normal TV is the same on a HD screen or whether there are screens that make normal TV look bad on purpose.

In any case the screen must be in the budget including del. Some places charge rediculous amounts for del. Also i would like a TV stand. black, but no fancy stuff. Also if the screen doesnt include speakers i need speakers.

Anyone with a HD screen some input would be nice, but this screen isnt just for HD, our current TV is naff and DVD's look bad on it, so this is to improve that aswell.

Author:  [QBS]Dr.Strangelove [ Fri Jun 22, 2007 12:43 am ]
Post subject: 

got mine from here, but worth a look anyhow :roll:

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