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Bit different from usual need a plastic jar
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Author:  Tao [ Mon Feb 26, 2007 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Bit different from usual need a plastic jar

Ok bit of an odd request maybe, but you know when you know that there is something you want but for the life of you you can't find it, even though you have probably walked past them loads of times in shops.
Well I am looking for a storage jar with a locking lid.

Like this one here.

hxttp:// ... langId=-20

But the body has to be plastic as I need to drill some holes in it, and I also want no metal to react with the contents. (Obvioulsy the spring clips ok).
I have been nosing around the shops/ supermarkets but can't seem to find one about, then again I could just be walking past them.
So if anyone happens to see a high street shop thats selling one let me know what shop please.

Author:  Sleeper Service=GCHQ= [ Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

never seen em in anything other than glass sorry.

Could you try and make you own by getting similar glass and plastic containers and jerry rigging the clasps over?

Author:  Tao [ Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

The design off them includes a rubber gasket that act as a seal with the rim, most other plastic jars I've seen dont have the sort of rim that would be useful to retrofit a gasket on, unfortunately I need that seal becuase I am going to be turning it into a filter. The annoying thing is I could swear I have seen 'em in plastic, spose it'll be a case of browsing all the pound shops I can find till I can find something suitable.

Author:  LeBeourfCurtaine [ Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tao... have you been watching lots of documentaries on Unabomber, 9/11, Tube Bombers, ETA, Wiley Coyote, BomberMan, et al...? :shock:

...or do you just get hard for Tupperware? :)

Author:  Tao [ Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

LeBeourfCurtaine wrote:
Tao... have you been watching lots of documentaries on Unabomber, 9/11, Tube Bombers, ETA, Wiley Coyote, BomberMan, et al...? :shock:

Your answering to the wrong post mate you need to check my earlier one...wanted 15 tons fertilzer.

Nah just making a small fishtank filter for a very small fishtank. :)

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