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Netgear 614 or 624?
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Author:  simon [ Mon Jan 01, 2007 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Netgear 614 or 624?

I'm not entirely sure as to which Cable/DSL router is best out of these two, I heard that the 614 is a very good Router, but the 624 is new and might have alot of problems making the older edition more reliable.

Whats your opinions?

Author:  simon [ Thu Jan 11, 2007 12:28 am ]
Post subject: 

<Buzz> if anyone didn't see this post.

Author:  [QBS]Buck_GB [ Thu Jan 11, 2007 12:55 am ]
Post subject: 

My opinion is that my wireless router was a waste of money given most ISP's are offering them free as part of their handshake. So unless u need it for something specific.

But other than that opinion I can help u no more. Good luck, someone will be along soon to help ;)

Author:  Caspius=GCHQ= [ Thu Jan 11, 2007 1:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Got a Buffalo G54 off ebay for and a safecom wiress USB Nic for a £10 including postage. Works great.

Author:  GeneralPublic=GCHQ= [ Thu Jan 11, 2007 1:24 am ]
Post subject: 

the 624's are fine...

Author:  simon [ Fri Jan 12, 2007 7:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks. Well I've been with NTL for about 5 or so years now... maybe more, and I've gotten to know how tight fisted they can be, also how lowsy there customer service is... yeah, don't get me started, lol

Well, I have an old Linux Box which is taking alot of space and I don't really use it because it doesn't host the stuff I'd like too, yada yada, so I said I'd get a router

As we have a laptop, having wireless accessible is useful (I know how to make it secure so idiots don't leech my internet before someone mentions that)

Anyways, thanks for the info, may look into a 624 unless I get more feedback saying it's complete rubbish. (Can't see much of a problem as it's the one up from the 614) o.o

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