Gamecommunity =GCHQ=

internet and network conking out on my machine randomly..??
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Author:  Mike=GCHQ= [ Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  internet and network conking out on my machine randomly..??

i have static ip's on my network with up to 4 machines connected max at a time...usually 3...
all connected by Ethernet...

My internet will be working.... then i go away put some food on...come back... not working
for browsing... but it will be working on like Steam friends for example.....

It seems to be JUST my machine that it is affecting!!

has been doing this EVERY day without fail at least like twice a day.....for about 3 weeks or so... maybe more....

when i restart pc it is working FINE again.... it seems to just conk out randomly...

Resetting router does nothing.. its just restarting PC that makes it work again....

convinced its a local machine problem .. but my router is bt homehub v.2..

im xp pro...


Author:  happyslappy [ Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: internet and network conking out on my machine randomly.

ping a ip and tell me what happens
if that works ping a hostname

Author:  nicey=GCHQ= [ Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: internet and network conking out on my machine randomly.

dear mike...

dont go away and put some food on and all will be ok.

Author:  Mike=GCHQ= [ Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: internet and network conking out on my machine randomly.



Author:  happyslappy [ Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: internet and network conking out on my machine randomly.

mike i need you to do it when you experience the problem as all looks fine there
also is not a ip address :thumbr:

are you on virgin at all ?

Author:  Mike=GCHQ= [ Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: internet and network conking out on my machine randomly.

Im with BT

yer ignore that .12.12 ip I couldn't make up an IP

Those screenshots were taken whilst i was experiencing the problem pal...

Author:  happyslappy [ Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: internet and network conking out on my machine randomly.

can you open sites with IE or opera at all - can you test
its just that ping is working so network is fine
you can resolve domains and ping them so again thats fine
take it you have run a full IObut scan / malwarebytes etc

Author:  Mike=GCHQ= [ Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: internet and network conking out on my machine randomly.

happyslappy wrote:
can you open sites with IE or opera at all - can you test
its just that ping is working so network is fine
you can resolve domains and ping them so again thats fine
take it you have run a full IObut scan / malwarebytes etc

Can't open any web address site no.

BUT scan?

I scanned with like 3 different anti virus / malware proggies
super anti spyware

nothing detected at all..

ts just that it is only effecting my pc .. no one elses.

I found this webpage - exactly the same problem...

not a resolution though

Author:  happyslappy [ Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: internet and network conking out on my machine randomly.

hmmm - all normal things are working so sorry its not a network related issue
i had something very similar on XP a few years ago, windows updates did it and later windows updates cured it - never could find a cure sorry

Author:  Mike=GCHQ= [ Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: internet and network conking out on my machine randomly.

this is what i get - whilst internet is currently working when i type netstat -s

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>netstat -s

IPv4 Statistics

Packets Received = 65508
Received Header Errors = 0
Received Address Errors = 419
Datagrams Forwarded = 0
Unknown Protocols Received = 0
Received Packets Discarded = 167
Received Packets Delivered = 65342
Output Requests = 73446
Routing Discards = 0
Discarded Output Packets = 0
Output Packet No Route = 0
Reassembly Required = 0
Reassembly Successful = 0
Reassembly Failures = 0
Datagrams Successfully Fragmented = 0
Datagrams Failing Fragmentation = 0
Fragments Created = 0

ICMPv4 Statistics

Received Sent
Messages 10 1035
Errors 0 0
Destination Unreachable 10 1035
Time Exceeded 0 0
Parameter Problems 0 0
Source Quenches 0 0
Redirects 0 0
Echos 0 0
Echo Replies 0 0
Timestamps 0 0
Timestamp Replies 0 0
Address Masks 0 0
Address Mask Replies 0 0

TCP Statistics for IPv4

Active Opens = 8075
Passive Opens = 26
Failed Connection Attempts = 38
Reset Connections = 7117
Current Connections = 24
Segments Received = 62947
Segments Sent = 71018
Segments Retransmitted = 545

UDP Statistics for IPv4

Datagrams Received = 1203
No Ports = 2339
Receive Errors = 1
Datagrams Sent = 820

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>

Author:  Mike=GCHQ= [ Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: internet and network conking out on my machine randomly.

I also reckon it will be a windows update that has caused it....

Author:  happyslappy [ Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: internet and network conking out on my machine randomly.

number of packets recived is not that great so how long has the computer been on?
its just you have lots of errors there
are you using onboard NIC?
if so any chance you can stick in a pci NIC and change the eithernet cable as well - just as a test

Author:  Caspius=GCHQ= [ Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: internet and network conking out on my machine randomly.

Post a HijackThis log.

I had the same problem, I even reinstalled windows and still, had issues, not sure if it was a virus on one of the other partitions or what.

As Slappy said I fixed by putting a PCI Network card in the machine and using that.

Its only since I've gone to Windows 7 I've gone back to the old onboard network card and its fine so not really sure what it was. My best guess is a virus messed up one of the network files in XP but not sure.

Author:  Mike=GCHQ= [ Fri Apr 16, 2010 2:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: internet and network conking out on my machine randomly.

ok i posted on bleeping computers forum with a hijack this log

Author:  LeBeourfCurtaine [ Fri Apr 16, 2010 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: internet and network conking out on my machine randomly.

When did you last run windows update? Have a look at add/remove programs and see the last batch of updates. Remove one, reboot see what happens. If no change it was probably fine, so note it down and remove the next one and so on. You need to do this when you have the problem or it'll be a waste of your time.

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