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TV - Computer from Virgin Box
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Author:  Slayer=GCHQ= [ Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:46 pm ]
Post subject:  TV - Computer from Virgin Box


Now I have a HP w2228h Monitor this has:
Audio in
VGA connections

A high endish machine

A Phillips HDTV which has:
5 compsit connections
2x Scart inputs

A Standard Virgin Box for my TV which has:
TV Out
ANT in
RF Out
Bypass 12V DC

What I want is to,
Put the TV through the Monitor obviously with sound.
Which means if I can get the TV to work I will get a second monitor, and sell on the HDTV with Wall Stand.

Now at the moment the Virgin Box is connected via Scart to the TV and a cable input from the wall.

Anyone know the best way to get it to go through the PC all options would be good.
Did my own bit of research and im coming back with if, buts and maybes.

Hauppage seem to be the most consistent but then i'm not even sure what i'm looking at.

Help and feedback would be most welcome
Thanks guys.

Hope that made sense.

Author:  happyslappy [ Mon Feb 09, 2009 4:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TV - Computer from Virgin Box

get the v+ and stick it straight in the monitor - will upscale standard def really well as well

or do you really want it to go thought the computer to record etc?

Author:  Slayer=GCHQ= [ Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TV - Computer from Virgin Box

Well I guess I can research this, but my GF has V+ and I checked out the back and there is an Ethernet, SO...

Does this mean if I connect it to the router, I can record directly to an external drive? Or is it not as simple as that.

The recording to PC IS NOT essential but if that happens to come into the equation then cool.

Main reason for all this is to create space on the Desk get another HPw2228h monitor for whatever reasons but get rid of the HDTV in the process and the wall stand.

V+ sounds the way and I do like V+ to be honest spending time over the ladys house and it just seems easy.
I been getting into my Comedy channels and Discovery type channels for educational purposes.

I will see about the V+ offers and then go from there.

Cheers slaps :D :D

Author:  happyslappy [ Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TV - Computer from Virgin Box

Does this mean if I connect it to the router, I can record directly to an external drive? Or is it not as simple as that.

nope - the sata and nic are disabled
you need to record via SCART to a DVD - its the only way unless you get a capture card in the comp and go v+ to comp to mointor - will add more to the cost

Author:  simon [ Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TV - Computer from Virgin Box

Although to be honest... I picked my TV card for £20 goes all the way up to 720x566 or something like that.

Microdirect look there if your interested, I find it really good. Has most inputs except HDMI and RF Aerial in. Take a look at them on that site. Has S-Video and Video Composite. :o7:

Author:  happyslappy [ Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TV - Computer from Virgin Box

he will be wanting one that does 1080 though

Author:  Slayer=GCHQ= [ Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: TV - Computer from Virgin Box

Aye, we anyway i'm not to arsed on the matter now.
What im going to do, is a little re-arranging in my room and get the storage unit from under my desk, pull the TV of the wall and stand it on that

Means then I get another HP w2228h monitor and sit it on the desk and TV buggers of somewhere to my left. Woo

Cheers though guys for the help.

Can't wait now though :D How sad im all excited to arrange my room a little more haha...

Author:  happyslappy [ Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: TV - Computer from Virgin Box

Can't wait now though How sad im all excited to arrange my room a little more haha..

you really are a homo boyo

Author:  Johns [ Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TV - Computer from Virgin Box

happyslappy wrote:
Can't wait now though How sad im all excited to arrange my room a little more haha..

you really are a homo boyo


or is he

Slayer=GCHQ= wrote:
but my GF has V+

Maybe gay friend?

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