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Is my graphics card broke?
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Author:  Fr33jack [ Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:47 am ]
Post subject:  Is my graphics card broke?

Ill try and explain this simply if i loose anyone just let me know..

I have a ATI x1650pro 512 ddr AGP. When running around any map on css or tf2 i have between 60-100 fps but as soon as i get near any action i drop to 9 fps. Now ive tried everything from different drivers, older directx, different driver settings and different game settings, adn still no improvement. Now heres the sting in the tail. I decided to put my old card back in (ATI 9200se 128 ddr) and low and behold with only the windows driver installed i am getting a constant 25 fps in the action on both games and 40-70 just running around.

Ive run out of ideas and ive read a few posts on power problems im thinking it maybe a power problem as my old card dos not require a power cable and my new card dos. My tower power is 400 and im not sure if my card should have more power.

Any ideas on this problem or suggestions would be grateful

Author:  Warning Level=Bert =GCHQ= [ Mon Jan 21, 2008 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is my graphics card broke?

it sounds a bit odd tbh, hmmm, have you got any other power cables or connectors you could use? inside the tower or even sapre ones you could swap in just to make sure its not a problem in that region

although now i've said that its probablly wrong cause if it was that probablly wouldn't get anything out of it >.<

oh wait a sec you say your getitng lag once you see action? could be ram problem as well..

is the right amount of ram being displayed in your system display (control panel > system)

Author:  Fr33jack [ Mon Jan 21, 2008 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is my graphics card broke?

Funny you should mention memory i noticed before that i had memory in bnks 2 and 3 so i took bank 3 out and put it in bank 1 no idea why i had done that when i put them in. Could this off been the problem?

ill put my new card in again tonight

Author:  Skrunk =GCHQ= [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is my graphics card broke?

go into your steam folders and delete clientregistry.blob

see if that helps

Author:  Mike=GCHQ= [ Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is my graphics card broke?

try other games and see what happens

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