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display & network - No1 issue & No2...
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Author:  FlitGun =GCHQ= [ Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  display & network - No1 issue & No2...

Hi, me again, in here, sorry :oops: ...but need some advice.

I know I've got driver issues ...hell, who with Vista doesn't? And I'm mostly getting around it by gritting my teeth. I've done my best to make sure everything is up to date, but a couple of things are REALLY bugging me.

No1 issue: My monitor sometimes flickers and makes a fizzling sound. That seems obvious that that is a problem with the monitor. But it also just cuts off every now and then, (mostly when i start a game, or media player). It just instantly reduces itself to about 5% output. I can very faintly see windows working fine, but it is mostly blackness. So I wonder whether this is likely to be a fault with the monitor, or a graphics driver, or maybe even the power supply. I feel it is the monitor, and so maybe someone in the know could tell me if that sounds right, or maybe check something else. :roll:

No2 issue: I get messages telling me i have problems with my network connection when i try to activate it. Again, i've looked for drivers (but this area is baffling for me) so not done much more than the click here for updates thing. After a few months of clicking everything clickable trying to get it working every time i want to log on, I've worked out that by disabling the network device, and then enabling it again, it will work fine. That's all i need to do to log on (!) Annoys me that it is so simple. So does this sound like a driver issue? Or more like i cocked up the setting up of the network device/s?

I tried to be brief, sorry if long read, and also if i haven't told you something important, please ask.

Help much appreciated. :)

Author:  Sleeper Service=GCHQ= [ Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:04 am ]
Post subject: 

Not sure about the monitor

But my network connection was extremely flaky going through the motherboard. I would always have to disable/enable/repair etc to get it working again. It was such a pain I got a add in card. I never found the cause but a lot of people who had my motherboared had networking problems so it could have been either

1) Motherboared hardware design fault
2) Crappy nvidia network drivers

Been fine since i got the add in card for £5

Author:  FlitGun =GCHQ= [ Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:20 am ]
Post subject: 

I'll take much pleasure in destroying the old one, when i get that done, thanks sleeper. :)

wonder if the warranty people'll let me destroy the monitor too, if that is the cause of No1

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