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laptop memory upgrade
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Author:  Lur =GCHQ= [ Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  laptop memory upgrade

well, i got curious and downloaded that cpuz thing...its telling me i have a
free memory slot... now ive looked online and can get a 1 gb stick for my
model...but how the hell would i go about doing it?

im guessing it aint easy to open up a laptop and do things like that without
damaging something...soo, would a computer shop do it? would i need to send
my lappy back to toshiba and have them do it??

would like to know what you guys think, if any of you have done it yourselves

hopefully i can upgrade it because it seriously needs more RAM (running at
71% usage right now with only firefox open and the startup programs (vista :evil: ))

Author:  Seric=GCHQ= [ Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dunno about you, but on my lappy, theres a hatch on the bottom I can open and in there are the slots for ram.

Author:  Lur =GCHQ= [ Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

what make laptop do you have??

ive got a toshiba satellite l30....ill have a look in a wee bit, coz i know there
are some hatch bits on the bottom of mine, only know one of them is the
battery soo hopefully one of the others is for RAM

EDIT: cheers seric :D found the compartment, just 2 screws lol.

theres a stick of ram in the slot closest to the mobo and a free slot right on
top of that...
im guessing i just need to put another stick in there and it should register it

Author:  Lur =GCHQ= [ Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:33 pm ]
Post subject: it as simple as just getting "laptop memory"

i.e. can i just take my pick from any of these

or is it normally laptop make and model specific??

sorry for all the questions but im still a noob when it comes to things like these..

Author:  Tjolbi=GCHQ= [ Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

your best bet would be to take a look at the ram that's already installed and see what kind it is ;)

ddr2, ddr, what speed, etcetera :)

and aye, you just put it in and it works :D

Author:  Lur =GCHQ= [ Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

right...this means nothing to me...and dunno if it will mean anything to you's

but this is whats written on the RAM

512MB Rx16 PC2-4200S-444-12
HYMP564S64CP6-C4 AB 0706

Thats exactly how it appears on the stick of ram...only thing there i understand
is that its 512mb lol. any ideas??

Author:  Tjolbi=GCHQ= [ Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lur =GCHQ= wrote:
512MB Rx16 PC2-4200S-444-12
HYMP564S64CP6-C4 AB 0706

512MB of pc ddr2 4200 sodimm memory with 4-4-4-12 timings

the other stuff is factory crap i'm assuming ^^


Author:  Lur =GCHQ= [ Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

cheers tj, yer a star :D

This one do??

i hear you all go on about corsair ram as one of the best and it has a lifetime
warrenty..soo aye, if that's a good one ill order it when i get some money on friday or something :)

EDIT: just realised thats kingston any good??

Author:  Tjolbi=GCHQ= [ Sun Dec 02, 2007 7:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lur =GCHQ= wrote:
cheers tj, yer a star :D

EDIT: just realised thats kingston any good??

no problem, and should be yes ;) :D

Author:  Freebo [ Sun Dec 02, 2007 8:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ok, I repair/build laptops in my current job atm and well they tend to have either a plate on the back to take off to put ram in or its under the keyboard which you can get to in many ways.. my bets is its on the back, also if your buying more ram, buy 2 sticks of same stuff to make sure no conflictions..

Edit: just read some replies, i noticed you found the ram already, if I was you I would buy a pair of 1Gb sticks, make sure you get the correct stuff DDR or DDR2.

Author:  Lur =GCHQ= [ Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Freebo wrote:
Edit: just read some replies, i noticed you found the ram already, if I was you I would buy a pair of 1Gb sticks, make sure you get the correct stuff DDR or DDR2.

yeh, i was thinking about doing that but i read somewhere that the factory installed
ram is sometimes soldered to the motherboard?? if soo it would be a waste to
buy 2 sticks..and im a bit weary to try taking this one out incase i damage it :?

soo it's between the single stick *link in above post*
or 2 sticks

Author:  GeneralPublic=GCHQ= [ Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:20 am ]
Post subject: 

if it's in a Tosh, it will be removable memory :)

Author:  Lur =GCHQ= [ Mon Dec 03, 2007 6:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

GeneralPublic=GCHQ= wrote:
if it's in a Tosh, it will be removable memory :)

ok cheers..ill order the set of 1gb sticks in my above post when ive got the money :D

Author:  andy_m8 [ Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

just to add my two pence, i recently upgraded te ram in my toshiba laptop, and yes you can put any of the above sticks in and theyll work fine :D

Also, to put them in you place them fully into the slot at 45 degrees and then push the stick flat - just thought id give you that bit of info seeing as t took me bloomin ages to figure out :P

Author:  Lur =GCHQ= [ Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

andy_m8 wrote:
just to add my two pence, i recently upgraded te ram in my toshiba laptop, and yes you can put any of the above sticks in and theyll work fine :D

Also, to put them in you place them fully into the slot at 45 degrees and then push the stick flat - just thought id give you that bit of info seeing as t took me bloomin ages to figure out :P

much appreciated mate, saves me having the same bother 8)

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