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Windows movie maker: track/timeline
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Author:  FlitGun =GCHQ= [ Tue Nov 20, 2007 6:13 am ]
Post subject:  Windows movie maker: track/timeline

hi again, and back so soon... :) noob bell...

2 things...

1. i got a track, an mp3, it says it has a duration of 3:25. As soon as i get it into WMM, it becomes 5:37. :? I'm thinking I had the timeline audio track on a diff parameter or somthing like that, but thats bottomspeak. Especially since i aint touched them. And, with WMM amazing list of functions, you probablt cant. Maybe a security feature? IT IS VERY FRUSTRATING WHATEVER IT IS. i was up very late last night as a result, i have tried.

2. My new lcd monitor is flickering, and it sounds like something is being fried to death in it ...or shorting, kind of sound. Not hugely loud of course, a small death*... a little fizzle. I think its a warranty job. So, yes, i guess maybe No.2 is straightforward.

* that reminded me, while in australia, living in a tent (as u do), i had a cd discman, and i came home (back to the tent), and therse little ""£%^$£" insects - size of fleas, but white, were inside my discman. i only noticed coz they ate through some juicy parts of the circuitry and it never again worked properly after that. Some of them are still dead in the lcd window of that discman today.

Author:  Holy Monkey [ Tue Nov 20, 2007 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Windows movie maker: track/timeline

FlitGun =GCHQ= wrote:
* that reminded me, while in australia, living in a tent (as u do), i had a cd discman, and i came home (back to the tent), and therse little ""£%^$£" insects - size of fleas, but white, were inside my discman. i only noticed coz they ate through some juicy parts of the circuitry and it never again worked properly after that. Some of them are still dead in the lcd window of that discman today.

Quarantine! Arrest that man! :P

Author:  [QBS]Dr.Strangelove [ Tue Nov 20, 2007 2:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

1. when adding the music file, did you make sure that the timeline marker
was back at the beginning

if it is left where you were viewing a particular frame, it will add the mp3 at that point

an example


i know it isnt wmm, but its the same principle :roll:


2. I've had a £400 recordable cd deck destroyed by greenfly infestation, well it was two actually

Author:  FlitGun =GCHQ= [ Tue Nov 20, 2007 8:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

hey thanks for the links Strangelove. I've used Prem Pro quite a bit, so i'm not too bad at this kind of thing. But yeah, the track is alligned with the beginning. Unfortunately not so simple. :)

It instantly gets longer in WIndows Movie Maker, no matter if i haven't even put it on the timeline, it still has a duration of 5:37, when outside it has a duration of 3:25.

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