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weird clock speeds....
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Author:  Nutter [ Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  weird clock speeds....

ok got a new laptop with an ati radeon x1700. according to htttp:// clock speeds should be around 475/400...however on my catalyst control center im only getting 128/135. i found one other guy with this problem, a quick reinstall of drivers seemed to solve didnt however for me
when running css, it would be incredibly smooth, good hit regestration, but fps around 20. even with smoke, flashes going off and what not, would still play smoothly. ive just installed ati tool which is giving me reading of 1529/1304 and i havent even adjusted anything!! ontop of that, while playing css with atitool simply running, getting an fps of 120. any idea how i could solve this problem? or even simply what is going on?

Author:  Shrek [ Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:00 am ]
Post subject: 

sounds like a power saving setting that is broken.

lots of cards and spus reduce their speed to save power when you arent using full juice. some times this can be permiantly on, which the driver re-install would normally fix.

but it is more serious than that if the driver update didnt help.

easy answer, run ati tool all the time. but not overally practical.

but look into power saving settings, and search that on forums, not overly useful adivce, but its the best ive got.

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