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Switching between headphones and speakers
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Author:  Apocalypse [ Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Switching between headphones and speakers

Whenever i'm not on vent i use speakers.
The constant swapping between the two seems to be damaging the port.

Is there any way to leave both plugged in, (i've got two ports, front and back) and swap between them.

Currently the speakers override the headphones when both are plugged in.


Author:  targetpractice [ Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Personally i always headpohones, can;t tell if someone's trying to knife me in the back otherwise lol. But you can have both plugged in at the same time by getting a headphone splitter ... dZViewItem.
If you use 5.1 spekers just plug the splitter into the front channel.


Author:  Caspius=GCHQ= [ Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Theres tons of basic headphone splitters on Ebay from 99p upwards or theres these..

Audio Hub Switch Splitter Headphone Mic Volume Control


Author:  Tjolbi=GCHQ= [ Sat Jan 06, 2007 5:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

i use an audio jack splitter (like said above) :)

just turn off the speakers and voila :)

Author:  Apocalypse [ Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

no way of doing it with software then i take it?

Author:  Tjolbi=GCHQ= [ Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Apocalypse=GCHQ= wrote:
no way of doing it with software then i take it?

not that i know of :?

Author:  CoolMan=GCHQ= [ Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

there is kinda, you can use onboard sound for headphones and leave your headphones plugged iunto your mobo sound, and use your audio card for speakers and leave your speakers plugged into that.

then you can create a shortcut for your "sounds and audio devices" from your control panel and place it in your startup menu so everytime you start windows you can then pick which device you want to use for audio playback, onboard for headphones or card for speakers.
it shoudnt affect your mic as you can just leave recording device set to your soundcard.

I'm not sure how this will work with your setup, surround speakers, stereo headphones? and if you have a onboard sound built into your mobo

Author:  Colt Seavers [ Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Switching between headphones and speakers

Apocalypse=GCHQ= wrote:
Whenever i'm not on vent i use speakers.
The constant swapping between the two seems to be damaging the port.

Is there any way to leave both plugged in, (i've got two ports, front and back) and swap between them.

Currently the speakers override the headphones when both are plugged in.


when you say you have two ports - do you just have the one soundcard? Hard to answer this because it's very possible, but only if you either have sperately addressable outputs on the one soundcard, or if you have two soundcards. otherwise, a splitter is needed. If this is possible, i'd bet there was some mixer software with the soundcard that allows to you mix in software.....there is with my soundcards, but then they're high end.

Or....if your using a seperate mic, then i guess you could take the output to a seperate hifi amp and moniter through it - selecting headphones or speaker at will .....

Author:  Apocalypse [ Sun Jan 07, 2007 5:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

i run everything off onboard sound, guess that mean's im out of options.

Coolman sounds closest to what i was looking for (except for my lack of soundcard! :lol: :oops: )

Thanks guys :D

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