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wireless internet
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Author:  moo [ Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  wireless internet

okay dokey, im on the t'inernet with braodband but im getting rather crap im getting an average of 200 wihc is worse than most days but nonetheless most days are still crap. According to Tiscali help this is probably due to my BB modem being connected to a telelphone extension lead...

this seems like balls to me since my old broadband coped just fine with it before and i cant see why it would suddenly be worse just because im on a different company now (tiscali).

Anyways....shouyld i try replacing the extension with another type...if so which?

Also im thinking of making it wireless anyways...does this affect ping? (especially if it the encyrpted type)

Author:  Mike=GCHQ= [ Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tiscali...thats you're problem

change isp :)

wireless does effect your connection significantly and will be a ball breaker to most people's gaming.

A lot of people i see using wireless on css, get seen warping around (this is when their connection is a bit krap and so they lag around from one place to the other making it near impossible to track them)

people get kicked for that if they don't do anything about it after being warned repeatedly :roll:

Author:  moo [ Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

yeah i was warned but it was 2 stuck with them for a year....unless someone knows someway of legally breaking the contract...(i.e. new isp due to crappy ping).

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