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cs; weirdness :(
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Author:  Danny28 [ Sat Jul 22, 2006 12:11 am ]
Post subject:  cs; weirdness :(

Hi all.
Well cs;s for me is just daft as a brush. I got really sick of all the loss i was getting and so i threw wtf to the wind and thought id crank everything up on max. ( btw no real change to fps)....when i put stuff down again later on i forgot to restore my screen res to 1024x768 instead of the 1240 x1024 thats max. The result? significantly reduced loss (only at 1 or 2 and that happens occasionally)

Now this has absolutely baffled me. ive tried it out a few times today to check for consistency and to attempt to rule out contention or line causes. I have also tried matching screen res of both desktop to cs on both resolutions with no effect. monitor has newest drivers i think.

Can anyone explain this to me? :roll: Id like a solution although would just accept it as its much better. -thing is the graphics card still has a few problems running at a higher res so id rather find a solution where the game runs on recommended settings.
Thank you.

Author:  PARABOLIC [ Sat Jul 22, 2006 3:12 am ]
Post subject: 

graphics settings shouldnt affect loss/choke unless if it causing a cascade of hardware failure, explaination : placebo.

Author:  Myx [ Sat Jul 22, 2006 7:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Plsacebos FTL aye :)

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