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squashed in-game screen
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Author:  peachy. [ Tue Jul 18, 2006 5:58 pm ]
Post subject:  squashed in-game screen

gfx card: radeon x600

about a month ago i had trouble with the ati catalyst 6.5 drivers grinding my pc to a hault. i had to revert to some very outdated drivers. after the horrid affair whenever i ran a game (css, dods etc) the game image was squahed horizontally leaving a 1-2 cm gap on the left of my screen.

the 6.6 catalyst drivers seem to be working okay. i can pop to desktop in-game fine, and have yet to crash. but i still have this squashed image problem (only in 800x600, the other two screen resolutions work fine actually). it wouldn't really be an issue was my screen not a decade old 13" crt - i need all the space i can get. and i prefer 800x600 over 1024x768 due to css running far more smoothly on the former.

moreover, the catalyst control centre doesn't want to... work. it just doesn't open.

help appreciated. (especially if put as simply as possible for this layman :))

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