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Omg my Mouse goes off the edge of the desktop!
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Author:  Diablo-X [ Sun Jun 18, 2006 1:36 am ]
Post subject:  Omg my Mouse goes off the edge of the desktop!

Ok, Seric convinced me to get myself on here, so here I go.

I've just reformatted my computer because it was going all laggy, and also becomming unbarable on CSS, 9 FPS when I get confrontation is not easy I tell you that :P.

So, anyway, i've formatted my HDD and now get like 30fps in these situations, and around 50 normally :). Only difficulty I get now is that my cursor runs OFF the desktop if I move it too far to the right, it is as if there is more space there for it to go past my desktop boundaries.

There actually is space for it to go so I have found out, check out the screenshot I took below, it shows that there is more space past my desktop toolbar on the right :O! haxx!11! omfg. etc. lolz.

Now my resolution is 1024x768, but the screenshot size is 2048x768.


Please help. :D p.s that my gf in the backdrop, shoulda changed it for the ss really.

THIS IS FIXED NOW --- (as ive wrote in another post).
haha after I wrote that I thought of a possible solution, and it was correct.

I went into display and noticed under monitor that it said I was using two, so I clicked onto the 2nd one, and it had ticked 'extend this as my second monitor' or some malarky, so I unticked that, and its fixed. Hurah Smile.

Author:  Tjolbi=GCHQ= [ Sun Jun 18, 2006 1:52 am ]
Post subject: 

that's strange? :? wouldn't know what caused that :?

Author:  Diablo-X [ Sun Jun 18, 2006 1:53 am ]
Post subject: 

haha after I wrote that I thought of a possible solution, and it was correct.

I went into display and noticed under monitor that it said I was using two, so I clicked onto the 2nd one, and it had ticked 'extend this as my second monitor' or some malarky, so I unticked that, and its fixed. Hurah :).

Author:  [QBS]Dr.Strangelove [ Sun Jun 18, 2006 1:55 am ]
Post subject: 

hhhmmmm interesting.......

can i see a bigger pic of the gf? :twisted:

you running dual monitors?

Author:  Tjolbi=GCHQ= [ Sun Jun 18, 2006 2:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Diablo-X wrote:
haha after I wrote that I thought of a possible solution, and it was correct.

I went into display and noticed under monitor that it said I was using two, so I clicked onto the 2nd one, and it had ticked 'extend this as my second monitor' or some malarky, so I unticked that, and its fixed. Hurah :).

but why would it be enabled if you don't have two screens? :?

Author:  Diablo-X [ Sun Jun 18, 2006 3:44 am ]
Post subject: 

I have no idea I seem to remember its always done it, and to the other guy, no you cant :P.

Author:  Mike=GCHQ= [ Sun Jun 18, 2006 9:44 am ]
Post subject: 

I'll tell you the answer if you send naked pics of your girlfriend. :twisted:

only joking

to me that sounds like... check your Mouse filter options, tick it to on.

Also check the port where it plugs in, i know it sounds silly, but if its not securely fastened or its damaged it will jump around like you described.

Author:  Diablo-X [ Sun Jun 18, 2006 3:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mike =GCHQ= wrote:
I'll tell you the answer if you send naked pics of your girlfriend. :twisted:

only joking

to me that sounds like... check your Mouse filter options, tick it to on.

Also check the port where it plugs in, i know it sounds silly, but if its not securely fastened or its damaged it will jump around like you described.

It's fixed now mike dont worry, and yes, my mouse port not being securely fastened does sound silly :P, why would it only effect the side of my screen :P :roll: anyways, thnx all for help, i'll be back soon with more problems no doubt :D.

Author:  gemma=GCHQ= [ Sun Jun 18, 2006 3:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

It gets worse when you have four screens lol. Um where did I put that start bar?

Author:  simon [ Mon Jun 19, 2006 4:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Diablo-X wrote:
haha after I wrote that I thought of a possible solution, and it was correct.

I went into display and noticed under monitor that it said I was using two, so I clicked onto the 2nd one, and it had ticked 'extend this as my second monitor' or some malarky, so I unticked that, and its fixed. Hurah :).

Was about to state that fact as I experienced that before too ^^;

So far up the screen would left me fly off the edge. It thought the "other" monitor was at 800 x 600 for some bazaar reason... >.>

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