Gamecommunity =GCHQ=

Is my PC gonna go BOOM??
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Author:  peachy. [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Is my PC gonna go BOOM??

i better just start by saying how much i love playing on the server, its refreshing to see a large selection of friendly and dedicated admins, and a great bunch of regulars who always come to my aid when they hear "need backup". and i need help now :(

My PC is a Fujitsu Siemens Grade 2 Scaleo T i've had for 7 months:
P4 3.6, A gig of Ram, 230GB Hard D, Radeon X600 pro 256mb.

Sometimes, when something is loading, its started making this loud ticking sound, twice the speed a clock goes at. I've got the blue screen of death twice now, and a blue screen message about a hardware problem.

I had to have a crappy modem that came with it removed, to give the Radeon room to breath. but after that everything was... peachy :D

nyway, i think the crashes are a result of my Hard Disk, maybe the ticking is the reader clicking against the disk. but i don't reeally know a lot about this kind of thing.

so... any suggestions/advice?


Author:  corned_beef [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

You sure it isnt one of your fans? GFX card fan made this really annoying noise, kinda like "nyaahhhhh". What was the last thing you remember doing to your PC before it started making the noise?

Author:  peachy. [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

corned_beef wrote:
You sure it isnt one of your fans? GFX card fan made this really annoying noise, kinda like "nyaahhhhh". What was the last thing you remember doing to your PC before it started making the noise?

very first time it happened was late at night (early morning) on CSS. it happened occasionally after that. and its just started happening more, sometimes soon after i turn it on and windows i loading - but mainly during CSS :(

Author:  Arma [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Seeing as its only 7 months old a call to support might be good, otherwise its either gonna be the hard drive or the fan, open the case ans see where the noise is coming from will confirm what the prob is, if its hd then its off to tech support, fan is a fix it yourself job unless theres damage to the wires etc in which case its support again.


Author:  peachy. [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Arma =GCHQ= wrote:
Seeing as its only 7 months old a call to support might be good, otherwise its either gonna be the hard drive or the fan, open the case ans see where the noise is coming from will confirm what the prob is, if its hd then its off to tech support, fan is a fix it yourself job unless theres damage to the wires etc in which case its support again.


typical how the warranty lasted 6 months :roll:

ah well. thanks, i can't be dismantling it, i'm quite busy at the mo. i guess i'll have to cut down on CSS, be good for revision nyway. *sniff*

just wondrin, how serious is the 'blue screen of death'... i heard its... bad.

Author:  corned_beef [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:00 pm ]
Post subject: 


Worlds largest BSOD :P

It isnt that bad. Its not like your PC is going to melt. Does it noramlly happen under grpahically intense situations? Like playing CSS? Im thinking it may be one of your fans isnt working and its not cooling something properly, leading to unstability and the BSOD. If you've overclocked at all, try putting everything back to normal.

Author:  peachy. [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

corned_beef wrote:
Does it noramlly happen under grpahically intense situations? Like playing CSS? Im thinking it may be one of your fans isnt working and its not cooling something properly, leading to unstability and the BSOD. If you've overclocked at all, try putting everything back to normal.

its only happened twice during CSS, but then its only happened twice overall. like i said, the fans been a bit of a problem before, so its a possobility, but i can hear the fan still, when it comes on, and that seems fine. that said, the PCs bout half a metre deep, it acts like a radiator in here :D

and no, i haven't overclocked it. thought about it though.

Author:  simon [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

corned_beef wrote:

Worlds largest BSOD :P

It isnt that bad. Its not like your PC is going to melt. Does it noramlly happen under grpahically intense situations? Like playing CSS? Im thinking it may be one of your fans isnt working and its not cooling something properly, leading to unstability and the BSOD. If you've overclocked at all, try putting everything back to normal.

Sorry, but when I saw that pic, I burst out laughing, great pic, wish I saw it in person :D

Author:  simon [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

peachy. wrote:
corned_beef wrote:
Does it noramlly happen under grpahically intense situations? Like playing CSS? Im thinking it may be one of your fans isnt working and its not cooling something properly, leading to unstability and the BSOD. If you've overclocked at all, try putting everything back to normal.

its only happened twice during CSS, but then its only happened twice overall. like i said, the fans been a bit of a problem before, so its a possobility, but i can hear the fan still, when it comes on, and that seems fine. that said, the PCs bout half a metre deep, it acts like a radiator in here :D

and no, i haven't overclocked it. thought about it though.

Haha!! You PC is only half a metre deep?! Mines like 18cm tall and wide then the length is about 35cm long (thats a crusty iDeq for ya >.>) You think yours is a Radiator? :P

Ummm... about the noise thing. I get that from time to time when booting my PC into Windows, I seem to recall it being the graphics card fan or the motherboard, and yeah, my PC sometimes does it during CSS... I think it might just be when it has to render more obviously it gets hotter and the fan spins faster. So when the fan spins faster, it'll make a noise. (Also does it with BF2, but I only got a GeForceFX 5700LE 256MB... so it works hard XD)

Author:  peachy. [ Sat Apr 29, 2006 8:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

peachy. wrote:
corned_beef wrote:
Does it noramlly happen under grpahically intense situations? Like playing CSS? Im thinking it may be one of your fans isnt working and its not cooling something properly, leading to unstability and the BSOD. If you've overclocked at all, try putting everything back to normal.

its only happened twice during CSS, but then its only happened twice overall. like i said, the fans been a bit of a problem before, so its a possobility, but i can hear the fan still, when it comes on, and that seems fine. that said, the PCs bout half a metre deep, it acts like a radiator in here :D

and no, i haven't overclocked it. thought about it though.

the BSOD tells me its something to do with my hard drive, and its started happening outside of CSS or any kind of games - in word, photoshop or mediaplayer :(

Author:  Kaldru=GCHQ= [ Sat Apr 29, 2006 10:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

if i was you i would open the puter and then try to boot it - it could be the harddisc making that clicking sound.

And if that is the case - well :shock: :shock:

Author:  peachy. [ Sat Apr 29, 2006 11:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Kaldru=GCHQ= wrote:
And if that is the case - well :shock: :shock:

exactly, if it is... what would you recommend? (fork out 60 for a new 250GB? - hopefully not, i'm tight :( )

Author:  Arma [ Sun Apr 30, 2006 11:11 am ]
Post subject: 

Sounds like a good price, but to be honest I would stick your head in that case and find out where the noise is comeing from before you fork out cash mate.

Out of intrest what sort of motherboard do you have? (CpuZ will help here) and im only asking because I had my motherboard chipsent fan die on me which eventually triggered of a whole pc guts upgrade.

Author:  peachy. [ Thu May 11, 2006 5:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Arma =GCHQ= wrote:
Out of intrest what sort of motherboard do you have? (CpuZ will help here) and im only asking because I had my motherboard chipsent fan die on me which eventually triggered of a whole pc guts upgrade.

i've got to find that out one of these days :roll:

thanks for all the advice guys, it cost 100 to get the hard drive cloned and replaced - something wrong with the motor, supposedly caused by it being given a hard knock, but i never did that.... that's the problem with Grade 2 PCs i guess...

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