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Yet another headphones thread
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Author:  Seric=GCHQ= [ Sat Apr 08, 2006 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Yet another headphones thread

Has anyone got these?

If so, whats the sound quality like? Are they comfortable or does it feel like somones trying to cut your ears off when you've worn them for a few hours?

Any reccomendations as to which one I should buy?

Author:  [QBS]Dr.Strangelove [ Sat Apr 08, 2006 5:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

i have the HD202's if you like bass, you'll love these, they are very comfy, closed design, so no one can hear too much iraqi yelling on DC :lol:

also have a pair of Beyer Dynamic DT311, but these are an 'open' design and so not entirely suitable for gaming

out of the 3 shortlisted i would definately recommend the HD202's :wink:

Author:  Seric=GCHQ= [ Sat Apr 08, 2006 8:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

They have to have a really long input chord as the wire has to do a bit of a treck before it gets to the socket.

In this instance I thought wireless headphones would be better. But the last set I got (phillips ones, cant remember the model) were fairly heavy and felt like a couple of butchers blades resting on ya lugs after a couple of hours.

Author:  FoRcEFiRe [ Sat Apr 08, 2006 9:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Stay away from wireless,

Its just another thing to put batteries in/charge, get one with a cable, if so buy an extender cable from currys/dixons

Author:  [QBS]Dr.Strangelove [ Sat Apr 08, 2006 11:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

FoRcEFiRe wrote:
Stay away from wireless,

roger that!!

HD202's - how does around 8 foot of cable grab you?, thought so.....

actually its about 7 feet :roll:

Author:  Seric=GCHQ= [ Sat Apr 08, 2006 11:24 pm ]
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Author:  LeBeourfCurtaine [ Sat Apr 08, 2006 11:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

FoRcEFiRe wrote:
Stay away from wireless,

Its just another thing to put batteries in/charge, get one with a cable, if so buy an extender cable from currys/dixons

Soooooooooooo wrong :roll: I've got a pair of Sennheiser HDR 45's which are wireless. Aside from great sound quality, they charge off of the base unit when not in use 8)

Bear in mind that none of those headsets have mics if you were thinking of gaming at all...

EDIT: Ah, maybe you're right with that model, but check out the 130's


Author:  [QBS]Dr.Strangelove [ Sat Apr 08, 2006 11:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

good man 8)

Author:  Seric=GCHQ= [ Sat Apr 08, 2006 11:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

LeBeourfCurtaine wrote:
FoRcEFiRe wrote:
Stay away from wireless,

Its just another thing to put batteries in/charge, get one with a cable, if so buy an extender cable from currys/dixons

Soooooooooooo wrong :roll: I've got a pair of Sennheiser HDR 45's which are wireless. Aside from great sound quality, they charge off of the base unit when not in use 8)

Bear in mind that none of those headsets have mics if you were thinking of gaming at all...

EDIT: Ah, maybe you're right with that model, but check out the 130's


I was going to get them, but then realised it was too much money. I know they're amazing (and prob 2nd choice for headphones. some bose ones coming in first =)) but had to stick to budget (spent a fair bit this month :oops: ) and went with the 202's should be here within the week I reckon :)

Author:  fUNKUS [ Sun Apr 09, 2006 5:10 am ]
Post subject: 

i used to use a 30 quid set of wireless ones but they did suck so id say the same.

Whan are we gunna run out of wavelengths? lol :lol:

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