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 Post subject: Thoughts from the World of Tanks
 Post Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:06 pm 
The Librarian- OOK OOK!
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Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2004 12:42 am
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Of the 200+ tanks in game every player will have their favourites.

Your playing style and the actions of others will greatly affect your experiences with each tank but for what it is worth the following list features tanks that I feel have an edge over others in their peer group (class and tier).

To get to each one you'll have to suffer or enjoy grinding many others - for that I have no remedy.

I list them in no particular order:


T-50-2 (fast, small, responsive and mounts a decent gun)

T-54 (tough to kill)

T-62A (tougher still)

KV-2 (Bonkers 152mm gun. Get into an enemy's weak spots and one-shot kill)

KV-3 (Turret hard to crack, gun lays waste as the incoming shells bounce)

KV-1S (great gun, poor armour - use hull-down)

KV-4 (A damage sponge with a decent gun)

KV-5 (premium tank no longer sold due to its invincibility)

IS-3 (fully specced this becomes lethal)

ST-1 (A huge turret with amazing gun)

IS-8 (baby brother to the IS-4, rounds just bounce - if you're lucky)

IS-4 (Upgraded from Tier IX as it out-performed the IS-7)

ISU-152 (Crazy BL-9 cannon makes hardened tankers cry)

Object 704 (still the BL-9 but the damned thing now takes no damage)

Object 268 (as above, and then some)

SU-26 (possibly the best arty in the game)

Tiger (P) (ridiculously hard to kill from the front at long range)

E-50 Ausf M (With relocated gearbox it finally survives a firefight)

Hetzer (Only with 105mm gank-cannon)

Dicker Max (Premium TD with very good one-shot-kill potential)

Sturmpanzer II (remarkably good in the right hands)

Hummel (with an elite crew this is a killing machine)

GW Panther (Turretted SPG - aim-times much reduced)

M5 Stuart (With 75mm howitzer)

M4 Sherman (with 105mm howitzer)

M4A3E8 Sherman 'Easy 8' (Novice players often under-estimate this tank's armour and gun)

T26E4 'Super' Pershing (a damage sponge with good earning potential)

M48A1 (I've never managed to kill one)

T29 (hammers lower tiers, driven carefully will hammer higher ones too)

T34 (premium with great mantle armour and powerful gun)

M6A2E1 (Increasingly rare but massive gun in tall turret can lay waste to the unwary)

ALL THE US Tank destroyers from Tier II to Tier VI

-- (potent, accurate, very fast reloads and ideal ambush tanks)

T95 (best dealt with by artillery - do not approach from the front unless they've just fired)

M37 (almost as good as a TD than as an SPG)

D2 (french mini-heavy)

ELC AMX, AMX 12t, AMX 13/75, AMX 13/90 (murderous rollerskates)

Bat Chat 25t (unload a clip from this and kill virtually any tier 9 or below immediately)

B2 (crawls around map like a galleon, with enviable survival)

AMX 50B (Similar to Bat Chat but tougher)

Renault UE 57 (tiny - hard to hit - and it hits hard)

ARL V39 (ludicrous gun makes short work of its peers)

AMX Model TDs (remarkably fast and hard-hitting - ambushes from unexpected places as they get there fast)

155 -model SPGs (fast, fast-firing and double up as tank detroyers)

Matilda (with littlejohn adapter the 2pdr starts to own)

Cromwell (fast - hit and run a speciality)

Comet (slower but more potent)

Churchill VII (enemies tend to be surprised when you gank them)

Centurion 7 (a British tank to be proud of)

Conqueror (hard to kill - accurate and deadly)

Type 59 (formerly unbeatable - still valuable on the field)

Brother ANg-jung soon-um-bongo (Formerly Aim).
Mostly Harmful.
Vive La France!
I want my sig back!

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